Standard Time: GMT +09:00, Seoul/Tokyo

  • ROOM A
  • ROOM B
  • ROOM C
  • ROOM D
  • 07:40-07:50
  • Opening
  • 07:50-08:40
  • Plenary Session I
  • 08:40-08:50
  • Coffee Break
  • 08:50-10:10
  • Session I (A) Clinical Genomics
  • Session I (B) Surgery I
  • Session I (C) Radiology
  • 10:10-10:30
  • Coffee Break
  • 10:30-11:50
  • Session II (A) Oral Presentation I
  • Session II (B) Upcoming Novel Therapeutics
  • Session II (C) Bronchoscopy
  • 11:50-12:00
  • Coffee Break
  • 12:00-12:40
  • Satellite Symposium I [Yuhan]
  • 12:40-13:00
  • Coffee Break
  • 13:00-14:40
  • Session III (A) Surgery II
  • Session III (B) KALC-KAI Joint Symposium
  • Session III (C) Targeting Lung Cancer with Bioconjugates
  • 14:40-15:00
  • Coffee Break
  • 15:00-16:40
  • Session IV (A) Radiotherapy
  • Session IV (B) Treatment-Related Pneumonitis
  • Session IV (C) Biomarkers in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor
  • 16:40-16:50
  • Coffee Break
  • 16:50-17:40
  • Satellite Symposium II (A) [MSD]
  • Satellite Symposium II (B)[Takeda]
  • Satellite Symposium II (C)[ONO BMS]
  • ROOM D16:50-17:40
  • Satellite Symposium II (C)[ONO BMS]
  • ROOM A
  • ROOM B
  • ROOM C
  • 07:50-08:40
  • Plenary Session II
  • 08:40-08:50
  • Coffee Break
  • 08:50-10:10
  • Session V (A) Liquid Biopsy
  • Session V (B)Lung Cancer Screening (LEADER Group)
  • Session V (C)KALC-HIRA Joint Symposium
  • 10:10-10:30
  • Coffee Break
  • 10:50-11:50
  • Session VI (A) Oral Presentation II(10:30-11:50)
  • Session VI (B) Double Primary Lung Cancer
  • Session VI (C) Lung Cancer Fact Sheet
  • 11:50-12:00
  • Coffee Break
  • 12:00-12:40
  • Satellite Symposium III [AstraZeneca]
  • 12:40-13:00
  • KALC General Meeting
  • 13:00-14:40
  • Session VII (A) Oral Presentation III
  • Session VII (B) Optimal Models for Lung Cancer Research
  • Session VII (C) Immunotherapy
  • 14:40-15:00
  • Coffee Break
  • 15:00-16:40
  • Session VIII (A) Oligometastasis
  • Session VIII (B) Cellular Immunotherapy
  • Session VIII (C) Small Cell Lung Cancer and Others
  • 16:40-16:50
  • Coffee Break
  • 16:50-17:40
  • Satellite Symposium IV (A) [MSD]
  • Satellite Symposium IV (B) [Pfizer]
  • Satellite Symposium IV (C) [Lilly]
  • 17:40-17:50
  • Closing