KALC International Conference 2022 provides authors with a chance to present their abstracts to a wider audience through oral and/or poster presentations. To ensure that instructions are shared effectively with all the presenting authors of the accepted abstracts, we encourage all presenters to review the following:

Presentation List Presentation Template

Oral Presenters [Free Paper Presentation]

Important Notes
All oral presenters will be requested to attend the conference and deliver a presentation from the podium. The presentation will be made available on-demand and will remain online for up to 60 days after the conference has ended.

The real-time question and answer session will be carried following each presentation.

How To Prepare the Oral Presentation

  • For Oral Presentation, presenting authors use PowerPoint slides to accompany their oral presentation.
  • All presenters will participate in a real-time question and answer session after their presentations.
  • Presentation size: Widescreen 16:9
  • The length of presentation: Total 10 minutes (7 minutes of presentation & 3 minutes of real-time question and answer session)
  • Presentation language: English

Best Presentation Award

  • Award recipients will be selected based on the quality of their presentations by the judges of KALC International Conference 2022, who shall evaluate the presentation. The Best Presentation Award will be awarded on November 11th during the Closing & Award Ceremony.

Upload Your Presentation File(s)

  • Please provide your presentation to abstract@hbni.co.kr via https://wetransfer.com/ (or similar).
  • Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2022

Presentation List Presentation Template

Poster Presenters [E-Poster Presentation]

Important Notes
All poster presenters will be requested to send his/her e-poster to us in the approved format in advance of the KALC International Conference 2022 as well as in accordance with the deadlines set by the organizing committee. Please be informed that e-poster presenters are not required to delivery any oral presentations. The e-poster presentation zone is open during the conference and the participants will freely review the e-posters upon their preference.

How To Prepare the E-Poster

  • Please prepare an e-poster using PowerPoint presentation in English (up to a maximum of 10 slides). Please convert the file into PDF format.
  • Presentation size: Widescreen 16:9
  • Contents:
    • Part 1: Title/Name/Background/Aim
    • Part 2: Methods/Results
    • Part 3: Conclusion

Best Presentation Award

  • Award recipients will be selected based on the quality of their presentations by the judges of KALC International Conference 2022, who shall evaluate the presentation. The Best Presentation Award will be awarded on November 11th during the Closing & Award Ceremony.

Upload Your Presentation File(s)

  • Please provide your presentation to abstract@hbni.co.kr.
  • Submission Deadline: October 31st, 2022